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LPG Dispenser - İsar Mühendislik

Elegant looking front panels with 220 VAC – 50 Hz, price and liter preset, mechanical and electronic totalizer. Advanced software, error-free electronics, as well as POS and automation ready. It has passed EMC tests.

ELTO-MATIC Eex-d, error-free, long-lasting PULSER Standard 1,5 mm galvanized sheet, polyester oven painted bodies, optionally stainless or polyester oven-dyed stainless steel.

The hydraulic group with cartridge filter, automatic air separator system has a perfect design for ease of service and maintenance.

How can we help you?

You can reach us at isar@isarmuhendislik.com mail address or by calling (0216) 583 10 54.

Contact us
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